
  1. Please note that as PCA is not an approved CPT provider by the SFC, any compliance training provided by PCA must be approved by the licensee’s employer for them to count towards the CPT requirements.
  2.  Unauthorised copying or reproduction of any part of this training video, including the audio, video, or written content is strictly prohibited.
  3.  The information in this video is based on our understanding of the prevailing laws and regulations at the time of creation. However, compliance requirements can change, so it is crucial to review and update your knowledge to stay informed about the evolving regulatory landscape.
  4. Please note that the information provided within this training course is for educational purposes only, and should not be treated as legal advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, the laws and regulations discussed may vary depending on specific jurisdictions, and it is crucial to consult with qualified legal professionals for personalised guidance.